Sunday, November 10, 2019

Activists March in Delhi for Animal justice and Vegan Awareness*

New Delhi, November 10, 2019 – As part of the Vegan India Movement,  Animal Rights activists gathered in hundreds and marched from Mandi House to Jantar Mantar. The aim of this march was to create awareness about Veganism and  demand justice for animals. They reiterated that all the animals have a basic right to live free from use, exploitation, abuse and cruelty for food, clothing, experiments, entertainment or any other purpose.

The event addressed "speciesism". Speciesism is a form of discrimination which involves treating members of one species as morally more important than members of other species. So the event represented all Animals which includes farm animals as well, who are the most abused beings on the planet.  They encouraged masses to think about speciesism and withdraw from animal exploitation by adopting a Vegan lifestyle i.e. by not consuming any animal products, by boycotting cosmetics and other products tested on animals, opting for fashion free from animal skin and fur and not visiting animal circuses, Sea World and zoos, adopting pets over buying pets, hence rejecting all forms of exploitation of animals.

The participants chanted slogans on Animal rights and freedom throughout the event, Many activists wore masks of animals as well. More than 400 people participated in the Delhi's march from various north indian cities like Chandigarh,Bhagalpur, Bhopal, Jammu and Agra making it one of the major landmark events for the Animal liberation movement in India. Sangeeta S Bahl,a Vegan activist and the oldest women everester in India also participated in the event.

Vegans follow a plant based diet.Hence abstain from consuming meat, egg honey and dairy which involves use and exploitation of animals. For those who crave for meat and milk there are plenty of Vegan alternatives available in the market. The demands to the government were granting personhood status to all animals, including animal rights in school curricula and  revamping the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960. "It's possible for anyone to be vegan these days and i felt obliged to do it when I thought from a victims perspective" said Amjor one of the organisers of Vegan India Movement.Along with Delhi,  Bengaluru, Kolkata and Mumbai also organised Animal Rights March on the same day.

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