Monday, November 18, 2019

Pratibha Tiwarri, Flora Saini, Maitrik Thakkar promote their web series at The Walk, Hiranandani

The Gemplex crew was seen promoting their web series at Food and Beer festival held at The Walk Hiranandini, Thane. Maitrik Thakkar and Pratibha Tiwarrii were seen promoting their recently released web series Khushfehmiyaan on 16th November. Flora Saini, Alok Kumar and Vivek Shrivastava from the The Red Land were seen cheering the crowd on 17th November.
While the crowd was elated to meet the cast, team Gemplex was ecstatic on such a positive response from the crowd and for receiving so much love for their newly launched OTT platform.
Maitrik was seen wooing the female crowd with selfies while Flora and Pratibha interacted with the crowd and spoke about the series.
The Red Land and Khushfehmiyaan are Gemplex Originals and currently streaming on their app.

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