Monday, June 11, 2018

Shri Shri Ravi Shankar launches Meera (Mira) Upadaya's book "You are in Q"

Shri Shri Ravi Shankar launches Meera (Mira) Upadaya's book "You are in Q"

Entrepreneur, Philanthropist and Social Activist Swaraaj Kapoor & family seeked the blessings of Shri Shri Ravi Shankar

Inspirational writer Meera Upadaya launched her book by the most revered & loved Shri Shri Ravi Shankar in front of 20 thousand people in his satsang on 7th June & live 100 countries. 

Swaraaj Kapoor says "It was the most ecstatic moment of our life with the book talking about varied people from political ,social & varied fields the journey & experiences of meeting them & their influences in most candid way , it's simple to read & heart touching You Are In Que & couldn't have had a better person in this world to have launched it Shri Shri Ravi Shankar himself"

The opening had a book opening by Col Shyam Sharma & further introduced by Swaraaj Kapoor himself & an emotional Meera Upadaya. 

The book will have its book reading in Delhi & Mumbai by some esteemed political people & artists.

The book will be available at amazon .com

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